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frequently asked questions

Yes. We understand that your time is valuable, so we have made it easy for you to schedule an appointment. You can call us at (720) 712-0028 or use our online booking system. Just click the Schedule an Appointment button in the top right hand corner of the website and fill in your details. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you would like to make your visit be more efficient and go faster, you need to fill out the new patient forms provided on our website. This will save time and allow us to quickly get you started with your appointment.
We accept HSA, FSA, credit cards such as Mastercard & Visa, Venmo and Zelle.

Essential Vitality Plus Peptides offers a variety of promotions and discounts throughout the year. Sign up for our mailing list to get access to all of our current promotions. We offer $25 to you if you refer someone that signs up with our program. If you check in on facebook or Yelp, you can get a $5 discount. Additionally, if you share our social media content, we offer a $10 discount.

At Essential Vitality Plus Peptides, we understand that other weight loss places may make promises and guarantees, but we believe that results should speak for themselves. We don't use quick fixes, but instead prefer to focus on giving you the tools you need to be successful in acheiving your goals. You can typically expect to see a steady 1-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Results are dependent on individuals and compliance to lifestyle changes including calorie deficit and level of activity. We invite you to come join us in that journey so we can help you lose this weight for the long term.
If you are looking for a long-term solution, you are looking in the right place! If you have taken phentermine that hasn't worked or you need to lose more than 15 pounds. You cannot be treated with Semaglutide or Tirzepatide if you have: Medullary Thyroid cancer (personal or family history), multiple endocrine neoplasia, Type 1 diabetes, history of pancreatitis, chronic kidney disease, nursing, pregnant or trying to get pregnant, severe GI disease, gastroparesis, or retinopathy.
Unlike other vaccines or shots, this injection is given using a tiny needle that is injected just under the skin not into the muscle. For those who fear needles, there are other effective choices of oral medications, but not as effective as the injections.
Therapeutic peptides are naturally occuring biological compounds made up of two or more amino acids that help with normal bodily function and regulation. As we age, the production of these peptides decrease. As a result, our cellular processes become increasingly inefficient. The ability of peptides to chemically rearrange into different structures unlocks the body's ability to heal itself. Peptides can be used to treat various chronic medical conditions. There are 197 commercially available peptides. Each peptide will have one or more effects impacting one or more biologic systems within the human body.
As soon as a few weeks after starting a regimen, you can expect physiologic changes such as: faster rate of healing, increased memory, lower body fat and increased muscle tissue, as well as stronger immunity. because peptides mimic our natural cellular behavior, there is generally fewer side effects.

We do not take insurance. Unfortunately, the majority of insurance companies do not cover these medications for medical weight loss. However, we would be happy to give you receipts for reimbursement if your insurance policy does cover it.

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